이번 강의에서는 Ethernet and Wi-Fi 를 다룹니다.
1. Make your account
2. Development tools setup
3. SDT hardwre
4. LED blinky
6. UART with GPS sensor
7. SPI
8. SPI with Weather sensor
9. I2C
10. I2C with Air quality sensor
11. BLE and I Beacon
12. BLE with sensor
13. Ethernet and Wi-Fi
14. CoAp and LwM2M protocol 1
15. CoAp and LwM2M protocol 2
16. PELION security
17. PELION connection code 1
18. PELION connection code 2
19. PELION with sensor 1
20. PELION with sensor 2
2. Development tools setup
3. SDT hardwre
4. LED blinky
6. UART with GPS sensor
7. SPI
8. SPI with Weather sensor
9. I2C
10. I2C with Air quality sensor
11. BLE and I Beacon
12. BLE with sensor
13. Ethernet and Wi-Fi
14. CoAp and LwM2M protocol 1
15. CoAp and LwM2M protocol 2
16. PELION security
17. PELION connection code 1
18. PELION connection code 2
19. PELION with sensor 1
20. PELION with sensor 2